Report on Suspected Misconduct at NLB d.d.

Help us stop the perpetrators by submitting a report on suspected misconduct through a secure system, either under your name or entirely anonymously.

Procedure for Reporting Suspected Misconduct


Register anonymously or share your identity


Complete the report on suspected misconduct


Monitor the progress of the investigation

Every individual has the opportunity, right and also duty to report irregularities that harm our company. If all we do is criticise, we never solve anything. If we remain silent, we never solve anything. If we are constructive and report harmful actions using the foreseen avenues – including this application – we can effect a great deal of change. In this way we prevent bad practices and communicate that we support honest and committed work
Rok Praprotnik
Director of Compliance and Integrity 
A report of an observed violation is a positive contribution. It helps us reduce the possibility of future harmful events and minimise damage to the organisation in which we work. All of the conditions  are in place for the fair and professional  treatment of your report. It is important that as an institution and as a collective we learn something from the violation and that we eliminate any weaknesses in our processes and systems.”
Miran Deželak
Head of Investigations