Report on Suspected Misconduct at NLB Banka d.d., Sarajevo

Help us stop the perpetrators by submitting a report on suspected misconduct through a secure system, either under your name or entirely anonymously.

Procedure for Reporting Suspected Misconduct


Register anonymously or share your identity


Complete the report on suspected misconduct


Monitor the progress of the investigation

Prevention of fraud, misuse and other harmful acts is the responsibility and obligation of every employee of the Bank and the applicable standard in the NLB Group. By acting in that manner, we nurture the values we propagate and by which we want to be recognized: ethical treatment and integrity. By preventing fraud, misuse and other harmful acts, we create a safe working environment, build mutual trust among employees and trust of our clients towards the Bank. If we are aware of the harmful actions in the Bank, and fails to report it, it's the same as we are involved in such wrongful conduct, because with "silence" we support harmful actions.By pointing out harmful behavior, we give the chance to correct such behavior, we prove that we really apply the principles of ethics we believe in,  and give the  support to all colleagues who do their jobs honestly and fairly. By pointing out harmful treatment, we create a safe environment for everything that comes in the future.

Lidija Žigić, Chairman of the Management Board of the NLB Bank d.d. Sarajevo/CEO/CFO

Nermin Ibradžić, Head of Compliance, AML/CTF and Security Division